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Get involved

Join us in Creating a more just Education and World

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Job & volunteer opportunities
From time to time we have job openings with our team. Stay tuned!
Organize a short-term program

We are always open to partnering with university faculty and staff in co-designing personalized short-term abroad programs for their diverse learning communities over breaks in the academic year. We believe we are just scratching the surface of these programs' potential, and look forward to more opportunities to grow together. Click here to learn more.

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Contribute to our projects

Of course, as a non-profit organization, we clearly benefit from your generous donations. 100% of your donation goes to a specific use, and you get to choose how you want your money applied.  We offer three categories for donations: Projects, Scholarships, and Humanitarian Aid. Click here to donate and learn more about where your money goes.

Keep up to date on our activities & Offerings
Each month, we send out a newsletter with updates on our programs and projects, as well as current opportunities for our wider community to get involved in our work. Past newsletter themes include "Epistemic Justice: Valuing Diverse Ways of Knowing," "Being Fair-Trade in an Unfair World," and "Re-Storying Our World." Click here to sign up for our monthly newsletter. 
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